Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Engagement Story

Some background before i start the story. Jeremiah and I met on the 4th of July 2011 and we have been dating since July 6th. and...i guess i'm just going to roll on into the story :)

So on monday night (9/12/11) Jeremiah took me to Sundance to go on the ski lift to see the full moon. We were a little ways up the mountain when i heard Jer groan and say to himself " oh man... i can't believe i did that." and i asked him what was wrong and he said that he had forgotten something at home that was very important. Of course i instantlythough.. oh great, he was going to propose and he forgot the ring at home.... so a few minutes later he jokingly looked over at me and started to unwrap a ring pop and he jokingly said "Lynette Rounds, will you marry me?" and i said " Yes" in an airy voice just joking around and we put the ring pop on my finger and i started to eat it.
 As the lift went on i asked him if it was the ring that he left at home and he told me that yes it was the ring. He looked soo bummed out and i told him not to worry too much. 
When we got off of the lift we decided to go take a walk around and we walked by a pond. He was holding a rolled up blanket in his arms (he brought blankets because it was cold) he pointed to the trees and said "hey look! there a guy walking around in the trees" so i looked at the guy that actually was roaming around in the trees. I looked back at Jer as he is trying to get a rose out of a canister... he droped it on the ground and said "pretend i didn't just drop that" and i laughed and he proposed and i said "YES!" and then i saw the ring tied to the rose. he also had trouble getting the ring untied and so i helped him get it unstuck and finally we got it free and put where it belongs-- on my hand :)

Me with my Rose and my new ring :)

Me and my ring pop ring.. i was sooo excited :P 

Me and my Jerjer Bear!!

the rose with the ring tied to it.. Jer took this before he even came to pick me up :) 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11/2001 I remember where i was and what i was doing.. Do you?

This song came on as i was driving to my moms work. I was sobbing in my car i could barely see to drive. Tomorrow it will be the 10 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center towers, the pentagon, and flight United 93. I was 12 years old and in 7th grade. I was getting ready for school and i looked at Fox 13 news and saw a tower on fire. I didn't understand what it was until as i was watching the second tower was hit. I started listening and i was crying. Even at twelve years old i knew that this was an attack on the US. I knew there were thousands of people dying and there was nothing i could do about it. I went to school, but all we did in our classes was watch the news. We didn't do any work, or learn anything new. We just sat and watched, it was the one day that the class clowns were not clowning around, the bullies were not bullying around. This is a terrible day in our history. Please remember this day. I know i do and i pray for the people who were directly affected by this day. Even ten years later because they still need it. I am proud to be and American where at least i KNOW i'm FREE! and i won't forget the men who DIED who gave the RIGHT to ME!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Felling low?? Get a recommendation letter!!!

So! i am applying for a couple of scholarships at Dixie so i can afford to go to school, and part of what you need to send the applications in is to get two letters of recommendation. I just got one back and i was almost to tears the things they said about me... good "i'm touched that you said that" kind of tears. You never really realize what you mean to others until you ask them to write people, they don't know, about you. So!!!! If you are ever feeling down about yourself just pretend you are applying for a job or for a scholarship (or you can actually apply :P) and have people write recommendation letters for you. :) they make you feel so good and worth while.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Abby's Shirt Project!

At 10 weeks old my good friend Abby had open heart surgery to repair a hole in her heart and to put in a valve that she didn't have and that of course she needed. Well she will be 10 in october and she has outgrown the valve, so a few days ago she had open heart surgery again to replace it. I have made her a shirt to support her, and i am giving it to her tomorrow. they are stick figures of her and her family representing that families are forever. and on the front there is a sun with rays beating down on her and a silver (supposed to look transparent) bird (dove) that represent Heavenly Father Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost watching over her. :) i hope she likes it. Below are the pictures before starting... front.. and back. :)

and obviously i have not mastered the art of knowing how to upload my pictures the way i want. ....oh well. :)

anyways.....she is still in Primary Childrens Medical Center but she is doing well. she is walking a little bit now. She really is my living angel.