Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Decisions, decisions....

Who knew that with adulthood comes big decisions? Decisions like, what do you want to major in? Do you take the summer job in your college town or go home for the summer and hope you find a job up there? and with that should you go home so you and your boyfriend don't have to do long distance for at least a summer? School is a priority for me so anywhere where i can get a job is good, but developing my relationship with my boyfriend and helping it grow is also very high on my priority list. so my need to find a job at home while i am still in St. George is ideal. The economy is getting better up in Salt Lake so i hope i don't have a problem finding something up there. isn't decision making grand??


  1. I have two cents to put in on this. You may not like it however... I think you should stay in St. George and find a job and ditch said boyfriend because you could do so much better. You can find someone that helps you grow and not have to drag someone along with you hoping they'll catch up. I have many people that will attest that what I'm saying is correct :)

  2. I know you are just looking out for me, but i know him inside and out and he is one of the best people i know. He has blessed my life more than he or anyone else realizes. :)
